Case Study A: Getting Your Site Off The Ground

by | Feb 20, 2023 | Blog

This is a client’s website that had been sitting idle for more than a year. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t getting any traffic nor even showing up on search results for their brand name.

Due to non-disclosure agreement I can’t reveal the company, but with just 2 hours of professional consultation, they set up a proper foundation for SEO and got it off the ground and now it’s ranking for very competitive keywords within the finance industry.

Their website still has a long way to go until they start getting significant traffic, but it’s a good start.

So how did we get it off the ground?

We analyzed the website structure, content, keywords, and optimized some of the pages for search engines.

Then we built some foundational links and optimized the Google Business page to get it properly indexed on search engines.