10 сарын дотор Амазон – д $74 259.64 борлуулалт өгсөн кэйс

by | 3-р сар 16, 2023 | Блог

Back when Amazon used to be generous in their commission structure, usually ~10%, I started my first micro-niche website which earned $300-$500 every month passively just with Google traffic. It was about 2 years ago.

I have then since moved on to bigger projects that earn me $1500 / month passively with just SEO and also started other businesses, but since it was my first ever micro-niche website, it will always hold a special place in my heart.

It was a small website: mongolianfurpillows.com which got around 3000 organic visits from Google every month, but ohh man did it convert well, for a simple blog. Within 10 months, it made $74 259.64 in sales for Amazon passively…

In November 2020, I no longer had any interest in maintaining this website, so I sold it someone from Germany I believe.

How I Did It?

Well, one of the common mistakes a lot of people make when it comes to starting a website is picking a niche. Back then I had very little experience with affiliate marketing, so I just chose a niche that felt close to heart, which was Mongolian fur pillows…

I just had faith and persistence in getting results with this website, so I consistently wrote articles and reviewed Mongolian fur pillows that I found on Amazon.

Over time, my small website started ranking for Keywords such as “mongolian fur pillows” “fur pillows” etc, and was ranking on top of first page on Google alongside Amazon, eBay, Westelm and other big websites.

People really make it out to be more difficult than it actually is… SEO is easy. It just takes persistence and patience.